Tuesday, August 23, 2005

One of those people

Did you ever come across one of those people who could make you mad just by saying, "good morning?" I am unfortunate enough to work with one of them. In fact, she and I work directly together in my department. It doesn't take much, just the smallest thing can set it off. She's been working with me for nearly 8 months. There are some things we do just every other month. Still, you'd think she could retain some of it. I keep telling her to write it down if she can't remember it. Today, she wanted me to post it on the wall, just for her. Nobody else has a problem with this. Why should I make an exception for her? So, when I told her that I wasn't going to post it she said, "Well, I'm just use to working with companies that are particular." WHAT???!!! I quickly told her that we ARE particular about out product and she'll find out how particular when she screws something up. I was just steaming! This coming from someone who told me the other day that she was tired of trying to get her machine adjusted and that she just didn't care anymore. GRRRRRRRRR!!!!! The boss would crap a brick if he heard that. Oh, I could just scream!!!!! Well, so much for that. Felt good to get it off my chest. To anyone out there who might stumble across my little "whine and moan" fest - Have a great day!!

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