Thursday, June 01, 2006

Noisy blog?

I had a comment yesterday from an anonymous poster complaining about the "noise" on my blog. Actually the comment was as follows:

Do you have any idea how annoying that noise is on your blog, and how 99% of people dislike that sort of thing? I guess you don't, or you would not have it on your blog...

Yep, I'm aware the music is a bit much. But, if you scroll down the page, you'll find a cute little video involving cats. I really like the video (and cats) and have no plans to remove it. To anyone who may be annoyed by it, I offer my sincere apologies. I don't always like the audio I come across on some blogs but I mute it and continue reading. I really doesn't seem like a huge deal to me. I do appreciate any and all comments even the Anonymous posters!


Anonymous said...

fuck 'em

Anonymous said...

Well, I just blocked you on blogmad. It's not at all difficult to change videos and audio so that they don't automatically play. So score another anonymous poster who thinks it's fucking annoying.

Jamie Marie said...

Your choice! Have a nice day! :-)

Anonymous said...

Geez, must require an awful lot of intelligence (which some people don't seem to have) to hit the mute! Sheesh! Guess some folks just can't get that corncob out of their butt!

Jamie Marie said...

Yeah, I don't know what's so difficult about it either. I do it all the time and still am able to enjoy reading the blogs. I could go off on a tangent, huff and puff and spout profanity. But, I'm just on here trying to have a good time. I don't expect to please anybody. Just want to have a little fun. What's a gal to do?

Mama Mouse said...

Just another point of view here. Some people find that some audios, when automatically loaded, actually slow down the loading of the page. In SOME cases it can be so bad that the computer will freeze up. Not everyone has a super fast connection or a super new computer with lots of extra memory. Even with the sound muted, the computer STILL has to download the info and it does slow my computer up and even freezes it at times causing me to shut everything down.

When THAT happens not only do I block a blog I report it to whomever I can. It is common curtesy to give a person a choice on whether to download material or not. Some people just don't have the capacity to. When surfing the different traffic building services you don't have a choice and not all of them offer blocks for sites you don't want to visit.

I ran into no difficulties here ... but have many, MANY times elsewhere. I am a 60 yr old lady and if my computer freezes up I have no one handy to help me fix it quickly. If I can't figure it out I'm stuck till my husband gets home. My only access to other people is through my computer as I am semi handicapped and can't get out of the house very often.

Please consider this scenario when making decisions to tell people to accept it 'cause you don't care about them. NOT a good way to get people to come back. I for one won't be visiting your blog again, although I almost bookmarked you till I read this post.

Sorry ... your loss.

Jamie Marie said...

Mama Mouse, if you will read my post again, no where will you find that I said I didn't care about anyone. I simply stated that, it being my blog, that I felt I should be able to post whatever I enjoy. I still feel that way. I did check out your blog and found it to be lovely. However, what if I had left a post saying I didn't care for all the pictures of food you have on there because I'm on a strict diet and it made me uncomfortable? Would you change your blog to suit me? I don't think so. I make every effort to post things I feel will be of interest to others. I can't, and wouldn't want to try, to make everyone happy. It just won't work. I will, however, try to limit audio posts. This is not to say I will never post another one. But I will consider a bit more before doing it again. Perhaps you will change your mind and visit me again. You will always be welcome.

Mama Mouse said...

I care about all my visitors and I care if something on my blog harms their computer. If I thought that something I was doing affected ANYONE'S ability to use their only means of contact with the outside world you can be SURE I'd change it in the blink of an eye. I shouldn't HAVE to, but I'd WANT to.

What we should be able to do and what we end up doing may not always be right for us, but instead, considerate of others. It should be my RIGHT to post anything I WANT to, after all my blog IS MY blog ... but I want to make my readers happy ... even new ones.

Pictures of food that I run across don't bother me although I LOVE food and am a diabetic and can't eat many of the things I see ... even the candy that I posted a picture of. Looking at pictures does not affect my ability to use my computer, so I look beyond them. If I run across a porno pic, while it MIGHT offend me, I don't get upset because of it. It is the right of the owner of the site to post it. The picture, unless a virus is attached which CAN happen, doesn't harm my computer. Some music that I run across on blogs and other web sites DOES.

I'm sorry ... I shouldn't have said that you 'don't care' about others. It was past my bedtime. I was paraphrasing and being lazy because I didn't want to go back and read the whole post again. I honestly don't know if you care or not. But I felt that what you were conveying was a lack of concern for others and the fact that it wasn't just a matter of 'noise'. If it WAS just a simple matter of 'noise' I wouldn't complain ... but it isn't always just the noise. I DO know where the 'mute' button is.

I could have posted this anonymously ... in fact I almost did. But in the end I am too honest and felt that if I was lodging a complaint you had the right to know who I was. I'm not just a run of the mill jerk.

And yes, I am here again. Your comment on my blog intrigued me and perhaps I was hasty in my judgement. That is one of my bad points, but I am also one who will admit when they are wrong. My apology is sincere ... but my feelings towards unasked for music on any web site is still the same and I totally avoid as best as possible, sites that DO have music.

Thank you for visiting my blog and being caring enough to wonder about who I AM. Maybe we should let this rest ... these comments will be read by few now as this is at the bottom of the page and ready to go to archives soon. You and I both know that people don't very often look there when visiting blogs.

Again ... I'm very sorry about the "you don't care" remark.

Jamie Marie said...

Yes, I do think it's time to let this rest. I appreciate your apology. I am in fact a very loving, caring person. I will try to be more selective in my posts. You do have a lovely blog. Love the colors. Take care, live well and be happy.