Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I don't like Windows!

Due to the post office not having enough stamps to go around (you'd think they would have printed a butt load, it's not like they're not going to sell)I was forced to seek postage elsewhere. There are several sites listed on the post office site that are supposed to allow you to print your own postage. So, I check them all out and decide on the one that will print the postage directly on to the envelope. I was feeling pretty good about the situation until I came across the following:
"Apple Macintosh users: Our software currently does not natively support the Apple Macintosh platform. However, many of our Macintosh customers use a Windows emulator software to run the xxxxxx.com software."
Okay, I can handle that. We have Windows emulator software. My eldest son graciously installed the software and I was off and running - or so I thought. I've never seen anything so slow in my life. I could have taken a nap while each envelope was printing. And, now I have to worry about those nasty little viruses Windows is vulnerable to. Do I really need stamps that bad? I'm beginning to wonder. A lot of folks seem to think that Mac users are a lower life form.

That includes my two youngest sons who think Windows is the best thing since sliced bread! I beg to disagree! I'm just not lovin' it!!!

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