Sunday, January 29, 2006

Did ya ever just have one of those milleniums?

I don't just have bad days, weeks, months like normal folks. Mine seem to come in larger numbers. If you've read The Christmas Eve Incident... and/or Happy New Year???!!! then you'll know my year didn't end or start on a high note! Also, not posted here, we had to take my Mom to the ER one week after Pop went. Fortunately she is fine. But, the hits just keep on acomin'! Now my faithful chariot is in the transmission shop. I talked to them on Friday...$580.00 PLUS tax. I'm hoping to have it back on Monday (please,please,please,please,please,please). Pop is going to have surgery on Tuesday the 31st to have a defibrillator implanted. I REALLLLLY need that car back. My youngest and I will need to go over to Pop and Mom's every day for a week or so to feed their dogs (outdoor dogs) since Pop won't be able to do it. Le sigh. In the mean time I guess I'll just take deep breaths and think happy thoughts. Yeah right!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey, hope your car gets fixed.

My prayers are with you and your Pop. Hope his surgery goes well.

Jamie Marie said...

Got the car back on Tuesday. Seems they were sent the wrong part. Anyway, I got to the hospital just as Pop was coming out of surgery.

The surgery went well. We know he's feeling better because he's complaining! He's not crazy about having the monitor.

Thanks for asking!!