Sunday, March 26, 2006

Saltine crackers and juice?

I was stunned and appalled when I read the story about a South Carolina school district that is proposing serving a pack of saltine crackers and a box of juice to children whose parents have not paid their school lunch bills. How cold and heartless is that? Can you imagine the ridicule these children will be subjected to? What kind of people are running this place? I simply cannot fathom what kind of mind would come up with something as totally asinine as this. Turn the slackers in to the a collection agency or the credit bureau. Hell, file a civil suit. But don't punish the children for the sins of the parents.
According to the school district website they "are serious about providing an educational program of excellence. We are serious about preparing our students so that they will flourish in whatever they choose to do after they leave us. Simply put, we want our graduates- your children- to be wildly successful." They want children to flourish and be successful yet they are willing to hold them up to ridicule by their peers for something they can do nothing about?
These heartless cretins should hang their heads in shame.

1 comment:

Marie said...

Why is the school district responsible for feeding them? My mother made my lunch. . . if the parents don't provide the food they should be charged with neglect, I would think. You're not allowed to starve your kids.