Sunday, July 22, 2007

Update on my Pop

Pops came home from the hospital on Monday, July 16. He is, and will continue to be, on oxygen full-time. He went to see his cardiologist on Thursday. The news is not good. If he is lucky and doesn't have any more trouble such as he's had for the past few weeks, he may possibly have 6 - 12 months.

I go to their house every day after work and feed his dogs and cats, do the laundry and anything else that needs to be done around the house. It's tough after working all day but they've done so much for me that I couldn't possibly say no. Unfortunately for them I'm all they have. I do the best I can but I wonder if it's enough.


Anonymous said...

Hey JM,

Just been reading about your dad in both this post and the - that sounds really rough. :/

You sound like you're having a really bad time at the moment; I hope it does get better for you.

I know this comment will be of little credit, but best regards all the same.


Jamie Marie said...

It has been very rough the past few weeks and it's about to get worse. Pop told me today that he is ready to get it over with. He's given up. I've tried everything I know to do but he's stopped fighting. It's looking very, very bad right now.

Thanks for taking the time to comment.


Unknown said...

I think what you've been doing all these while (doing the laundry etc) are very heart-warming indeed.

All the best to your Pop and you.

AmPowerBlog said...

I hope you pop stays well.

Have a great weekend!

Jamie Marie said...

Thanks 女王 and Donald for your thoughts. My Pops is very dear to my heart.