Sunday, March 25, 2007

This is VERY bad...but

A 4-year-old child was killed in the parking lot of the apartment complex where she lived. A 15-year old who was driving without a license has been charged in the accident. But, I have a question...why was a 4-year-old in the parking lot at 11 pm???!!! Where were the parents? Why wasn't someone watching over this little one? My thinking is that the parent(s) should be charged with neglect and jailed. There's no reason in the world why that child should have been there at that time of night. Why, people, why?


mikster said...

People are stupid...hopefully they can't produce anymore children either.

Jamie Marie said...

It would definitely be a plus if they removed themselves from the gene pool...permanently!

(S)wine said...

ever think about the fact that maybe...maybe the 4 yr. old somehow snuck out? they do that, you know.

Jamie Marie said...

Lx, I still hold the parents responsible. When my children were small I had extra locks on the doors that were out of reach. I made sure they could not get out by themselves. It will be interesting to see more information on this story. I, of course, will post any updates. Thanks for stopping by!

(S)wine said...

just taking the other side.
parents are always responsible.
but kids have ways of undermining and sabotaging everything.
it's tragic, in the end.

Jamie Marie said...

I understand your thinking, Lx, I just get so MAD at people who don't take care of their children. It could very well be that the child managed to get out of the house by herself. The loss of a child is always a tragedy.

Xilly said...

I feel bad and have the same feeling with you. Parents really have to keep their eyes on their children 24 hours....

Ginene said...

That is sad. I was wondering the same thing