Saturday, July 08, 2006

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

If you haven't done so already, RUN to your nearest theater and see this movie! Johnny Depp is absolutely fantastic in this second segment of the "Pirates" saga. The man is a comedic genius. Orlando Bloom seems born to play the swashbuckling Will Turner (I never thought he could top his performance as Legolas in LOTR but this, in my humble opinion, runs a very close second). Keira Knightly, though not one of my favorites, also does a good job in her role. A word of warning, some of the scenes may be a bit too much for younger children. One of the members of our party brought a 7 year old and I was concerned that he might be a bit frightened by some of the scenes involving Davy Jones and his crew. But for the older kids and the really old kids (myself included) this movie is well worth the price of admission. I'm already looking forward to Pirates 3!


RT said...

Thanks for the encouragement. Too many critics have slated the film. I'm glad to hear from a 'real person' who's seen the film.

Jamie Marie said...

Hang the critics from the yardarm...full speed ahead, matey! The move is AWESOME. Thanks for stopping by!

Lady Jane said...

I've already seen it twice and plan to go again (and again!). It is hilarious and a great follow up! I agree about Johnny and Orlando and Keira!

Jamie Marie said...

I heard it said that Keira was the third prettiest person in the film...I concur!!! Johnny Depp is definitely #1 with Orlando a VERY close second! Thanks for dropping by, Lady Jane.