Friday, March 03, 2006

Okay, this is weird.

It just gets weirder and weirder. A guy has been sent to prison for fathering a child with his 16-year-old daughter. He says he didn't think she was his daughter because she didn't look like his other children. WHAT????? I've heard some dumb things in my time but this takes the cake. Okay, let me get this straight. You've had this child in your home since she was born and have raised her like a daughter. But you think, "Hey, she doesn't favor my other children so I'll just have sex with her even though she's still just a child." WHAT????? That has to be the stupidest thing EVER! Fifteen years isn't long enough for this rube.
Okay, Einstein, out of the gene pool, you're polluting it!


Anonymous said...

I think that guy needs to get castrated too. And where is the mother in all this? I'd shoot the SOB!!

Jamie Marie said...

I'm with you Ma. It's strange there's no mention of the mother in the article. Really weird.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's incredible and really sad :( .
Many hugs!

Jamie Marie said...

I just hope there is someway this child can overcome this. She deserves a better life than what she's had so far.